
Is is possible that the information on this website is not according the reality. Changes on other websites, missinterpretations or the influence of our content because of changes could cause this. BusinessinSA takes no responsibility for any damages by the the use of our content or make use of our website in any other way.

We sell no products. Responsibilities, duties en obligations who are the result of an agreement between business during matchmaking or the sale of products are not our responsibility.

Eventhough that clients have payed to require (umlimited) access to our database this could be restricted to reduce or eliminate spamming. We also will eliminatie users of the database who act unpropiatlty in our view.

We do everytging possible to create a healthy business climate and add reliable businesspartners to our database. However we can not garantee that some companies do not fir this profile afterall.

We can not give a garantee for a succesfull businessdeal. We can only create optimal conditions. Our clients are responsible for their deal.


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