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Doing Business in South Africa is always in search of cutting edge articles and practical information about doing business in South Africa. We would like entrepreneurs and business people to share their experiences. This website is based on the sharing of knowledge and expertise from like-minded people.
If you have a specific expertise in a field, share it with us. It is all about experiences and learning from one another. If you had a successful experience or not so successful we are interested in hearing about it. It can be anything you want to share; from your town or province, specific sector or any other business related topic.
Tell us about your experience as a non-South African entrepreneur or as entrepreneur in your own country and the encounters you had with foreign entrepreneurs. If your article meets our criteria we will publish it on our website. We don’t offer payment for these contributions but it is a chance to showcase your company.
Be sure that your article meets the following guidelines:
- Title: Not more than 15 words
- Single Page Article: Not to exceed 900 words
- Correct grammar and sent in a Word document
- Do not send images with your article
- All articles must include your name, company name, website, short bio of 50 words.
- All articles must be original content and not used on another website. All articles go through copyscape to maintain authenticity and become the property of Doing Business in South Africa.
- Commercially written stories will not be published. You can have the option of placing an advertisement and gain exposure for your business.
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We look forward to hearing from you.